Welcome To Institute

Our programs are focused on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) learning that are grade-level appropriate, aligned with Common Core standards, and incorporate literacy, civics, and fitness. Our out-of-school time programs help prepare children with the skills, experiences, and resources they need to gain entry into high-performing New York City high schools.

Many of the members of our community are single-parent, working families who earn far below what is needed to make ends meet. About 90% of the children and adolescents who participate in our programs reside in public housing and about 74% qualify for free or reduced lunch in schools. Although they live in one of the wealthiest zip codes in New York City, 63% of families who have children enrolled in Isaacs Center After School Programs and Summer Day Camp receive food stamps.

Students are at the heart of our vibrant educational family.
Faculty form the backbone of our teaching community.
Years of experience in successfully running educational organization
Total Department